Mali Health improves maternal and child health by supporting women, communities, and the community health system to develop local solutions that ensure every mother and child has access to quality primary care.

We aim to end preventable maternal and child mortality by helping communities build participatory, community-led, and equitable health systems that meet the needs of the most vulnerable members of their community.


Mali’s decentralized health system presents many challenges, and many opportunities.

When we help communities manage their resources to improve the quality and availability of maternal and child healthcare in their health centers, and the way that families access it, the results are astounding.

By supporting community leadership, we help the health system to function the way it was designed to – with full community participation and local ownership.

Here are four ways that we support community-centered health systems:

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The amount that 6,500 women in peri-urban communities are saving every year, 25 cents at a time


Mali Health community health workers have not lost a single mother or child in their care in over 10 years


Facility-based delivery rate at partner health centers, versus 55% nationally


Vaccination coverage rate at partner health centers, versus 20.2% nationally


Unprecedented flooding in Kalabambougou

Unprecedented flooding in Kalabambougou

During this year's rainy season, Mali has experienced extraordinary flooding. Several regions were hit hard, including Bamako. Bamako is particularly vulnerable to flooding, particularly communities along the Niger river, like Kalabambougou, and communities with steep...

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Supporting women and communities to develop local solutions that ensure every mother and child has access to quality healthcare.

US //
PO Box 51632, Durham, NC 27717

Mali //
Hamdallaye ACI 2000
Rue 222, Porte 100
Commune IV du District de Bamako
Côté Ouest de l'Ecole de Maintien de la Paix Alione Blondin Beye

Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency 2024