Mali Health improves maternal and child health by supporting women, communities, and the community health system to develop local solutions that ensure every mother and child has access to quality primary care.
We aim to end preventable maternal and child mortality by helping communities build participatory, community-led, and equitable health systems that meet the needs of the most vulnerable members of their community.
Mali’s decentralized health system presents many challenges, and many opportunities. When we help communities manage their resources to improve the quality and availability of maternal and child healthcare in their health centers, the results are astounding. By supporting community members, we help the health system to function the way it was designed to – with full community participation and local ownership.
The amount that 6,500 women in peri-urban communities are saving every year, 25 cents at a time
Mali Health community health workers have not lost a single mother or child in their care in over 10 years
Facility-based delivery rate at partner health centers, versus 55% nationally
Vaccination coverage rate at partner health centers, versus 20.2% nationally
Maternal health equity is an urgent challenge that can be solved
Worldwide, we are losing ground on maternal health outcomes. Maternal deaths are rising in many parts of the world, and we are not on track to meet SDG 3.1: Reduce the global maternal mortality ratio (MMR) to less than 70 per 100 000 live births by 2030. In February...
Investir dans les agents de santé au niveau communautaire
Veuillez trouver ce message en anglais ici. Dirigée par le Frontline Health Workers Coalition et partenaires, la Semaine mondiale des agents de santé/World Health Worker Week (WHWW) rassemble des défenseurs, des agents de santé, des dirigeants et des communautés pour...
Investing in health workers, from the ground up
During World Health Worker Week, let’s remember that communities and patients are not just the recipients of health worker services, but investors in them.
Mali Health improves maternal and child health by supporting women, communities, and the community health system to develop local solutions that ensure every mother and child has access to quality primary care.
US //
PO Box 51632, Durham, NC 27717
Mali //
Hamdallaye ACI 2000
Rue 100, Porte 222
Commune IV du District de Bamako
Côté Ouest de l’Ecole de Maintien de la Paix Alione Blondin Beye