Since 2006, Mali Health has worked with peri-urban communities in Bamako to find local solutions that improve the health of mothers and children.

                   WHERE WE WORK                     

Mali Health began in Sikoro, a peri-urban community on Bamako’s northern edge. Since then, we have expanded to serve  peri-urban communities in all five Communes of Bamako where resources are limited but needs are significant. We are committed to supporting these marginalized and often overlooked communities.

Read more about the unique needs of peri-urban communities.

As a part of the our post-Ebola work, we also worked in Kayes and Sikasso regions in southern Mali to strengthen coordination within the local health system to improve access to quality healthcare.

Mali Health logo

Contact Us:
P.O. Box 51632
Durham, NC 27717

Hamdallaye ACI 2000
Rue 407, Porte 267
Bamako, Mali


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